philosophers claiming poetry as something of their own

Badiou publishes a collection of essays on poetry. The volume had been preceded by its English translation last year (the collections are not identical, but almost). 

Interviewed by Manou Farine, Badiou places philosophy and poetry at the antipodes. They are rivals. the transparency of mathematics on one side, the presence of the poem on the other:"let us do battle by recognizing the common task, which is to think that which was unthinkable, to say that which was impossible to say"

Whitehead had stated as much at the end of Modes of Thought, though instead of battle, he was seeking kinship:

 Philosophy is akin to poetry, and both of them seek to express that ultimate good sense which we term civilization. In each case there is reference to form beyond the direct meaning of words. Poetry allies itself to meter, philosophy to mathematical patterns. (174)

There is a certain will to control, to contain poetic events within thought


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